Gower Bell Telephones








Left: BPO early model with porcelain mouthpiece . By Consolidated, from 1881.

Right: Internal view. Photos courtesy Laurence Rudolf










Left: With simple turned wooden mouthpiece











Left: Later BPO model without mouthpiece. Consolidated. Courtesy Laurence Rudolf

Right: Simplified model by Moseley. They also built a vertically-mounted version. See Connected Earth website at http://connected-earth.com/Daysout/MuseumofScienceandIndustryinManchester/3Dobjects/obj009.htm












Left: Japanese model with Ader-type receivers. A similar style was also used in some European countries.

Right: British Post Office second pattern by Consolidated. Note that Bell receivers are now used.












Left: Long wall pattern for BPO. This appears to have been updated with a Hunnings transmitter in the top box and a leter receiver at one side. The original Gower box now has a piece of solid timber in place of the diaphragm and is used as a writing slope.

Right: Long wall pattern using original Gower Bell parts.



Left: French Gower by Mourlon





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